Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July Movie Kaleidoscope

Hello blog! Whew it has been ages since i post in here. I'm quite sorry for abandoning you but my personal and professional life has been quite a blast this past months. I got lots of job opportunity, had to take care for upcoming art event on my campus, and on top of that i finally launched my own clothing line. But that doesn't mean my passion for movie has gone. I'm kinda in a phase where i enjoy streaming anime weekly, and some several tv series rather than watching in the cinema. I reallyrecommend you guys check out this three anime No.6, Mawaru Penquindrum, and Dantalian no Shoka. They've got awesome animation, engaging story, and honestly, none of that silly japanese antics.

Back to movie, i only managed to watch 3 movies in the month of july 2011. Well, that's quite sad, but I guess I can't help but weep whenever I see the list of pictures that are showing each week. Anyway, i'll review those three in one post I called "kaleidoscope". On the side note, do pardon my attempt on writing in english, I'm not that good at it *chuckle*.
Watched on July the 3rd at Anggrek XXI
Film Review : 8/10 (This movie was freaking awesome! The atmosphere was very chilling, and it build the tension very smoothly without any feeling of being rushed. The actors were believeable and sympathetic, and for once the characters aren't silly horror caricature. It was kind of a let down the film go downhill after the first hour for shifting to another character so suddenly and put a deus ex machina that is quite predictable. But overall this is a very nice horror flick, and the first one that actually make me shriek in a theater.....for three times)
Catatan Harian si Boy
Watched on 12th of July at Pondok Indah 1 XXI
Film Review : 8.5/10 (This is a very, very fresh Indonesian Movie. The dialogue was very gripping, clever, funny and touching at the same time. The writers actually managed to give a depth at every character. While only few of them work and become more than two dimensional character, the attempt are worth applauding considering some Indonesian movie actually relies on their characters antics rather than giving them some character development. The action scenes are not over the top and believeable, the story was cleverly interwoven and the movie itself was very enjoyable. It put a benchmark on how a good enjoyable movie can be made without involving half baked nudity, silly looking ghost, or melodramatic weepy teenage romance. It creates a new genre, which hopefully follows with a lot of movie that tries to live up to the quality this movie presented.)
Larry Crowne
Watched on the 23rd of July at La Piazza XXI
Film Review : 5/10 (Well that was a disappointment. I was hoping for a heartwarming romantic movie featuring simpathetic face and extraordinary sexy lip. What i got was a movie that tries to be heartwarming by simplifying things to the point of unrealistic, making every side-characters the "wise-man" by giving the protagonist a very preachy, wise way of life people can seek on the internet, and a romance build up by one kiss and no chemistry at all. Seriously, this movie is bad. I only get a few chuckle by the guy who looks like Bruno Mars and nothing else. Flat, boring, and forgettable.)

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