Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Actorrial : Amanda Seyfried for ELLE Magazine

-Picture Prettily Perfect-
ELLE Magazine April 2011 Issue
Editorial: "Amanda in Wonderland"
By Emily Dougherty
Photographer: Alexei Hay
Stylist: Joe Zee
On her love of the romantic comedies “I don’t think I’m being very ‘artistic’ when I do them, but I’m not doing it for that reason. Romantic comedies make me happy. I watch Love Actually every Christmas.”
On being inspired by Meryl Streep’s famously down-to-earth attitude “Meryl, she makes herself very accessible right away, almost too accessible. That’s what I do. And it totally works. My thing about meeting people—men, women, people in general—is to desensitize them, kind of shock them a little bit, to make myself accessible.”
On falling in love on set “[It is] one of the easiest things in the world. You’re both open. You’re put in a situation where you have to make out with each other. It’s easy for things to get carried away.”

Amanda Seyfried kemungkinan besar adalah satu-satunya artis yang bisa berpose dengan angsa/bebek dan tetap tampil cantik dan menawan. Dengan tema wonderland, akan sangat mungkin editorial-editorial bertema sama akan muncul beberapa bulan ke depan seraya Amanda berusaha mempromosikan film Red Riding Hoodnya, meskipun begitu, tidak ada yang bisa membantah bahwa ia bisa berpose di depan kamera dan tampil cantik layaknya supermodel lainnya.

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